9:30 - Introduction
10:00 - A crowdsourcing toolbox for a user-perception based design of social virtual actors
Magalie Ochs, Brian Ravenet and Catherine Pelachaud
10:30 - Capturing the Obvious - an iterative approach to enculturing artificial agents
Peter Wallis and Bruce Edmonds
11:00 - Coffee
11:15 - Social Agency in an Interactive Training System
Norbert Reithinger and Ben Hennig
11:45 - Taking Things at Face Value: How Stance Informs Politeness of Virtual Agents
Jeroen Linssen, Mariƫt Theune and Dirk Heylen
12:15 – 14:00 - Lunch
14:00 - Socially Adaptive Electronic Partners for Socio-geographical Support
Abdullah Kayal, M. Birna Van Riemsdijk, Willem-Paul Brinkman and Mark Neerincx
14:30 - The Effect of Variations in Emotional Expressiveness on Social Support
Janneke Van Der Zwaan, Virginia Dignum and Catholijn Jonker
15:00 - The Intentional Interface
Peter Wallis
15:30 – 17:00 - Coffee discussion and conclusion
Paper Presentations
Each author has a time slot of 30 minutes, including a detailed study description (20 minutes) and a brief Question & Discussion phase (10 minutes).
In the Question & Discussion phase we will focus on the following questions:
- What is Social Actorship? (Author’s definition of Social Actorship in relation to their study)
- What makes your system a Social Actor? (Describe and explain at least 3 features that a system should have to be a Social Actor)
August, 28th Edinburgh, Scotland, UK